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Victory at The Gates


In cell biology a gate is a temporary channel in a cell membrane through which nutrients pass in and waste passes out. Using this definition we can clearly understand the purpose of the spiritual gates, they're access points by which spiritual nourishment and enrichment flow in and toxins, sin and bondages, flow out. They're openings which serve as conduits for God's Kingdom to touch us, changing the way we think, behave, and speak and, ultimately, transforming us, our families, churches, cities, and the world around us.

Logistically, every month in the Jewish calender is associated with a specific tribe. For instance, the tribe associated with the Month of Nissan is Judah. And it is these tribe names from which the twelve spiritual gates are derived. Therefore, in the case of Nissan, since the Hebrew meaning of Judah is "praise" the gate name associated with that month is praise!


It turns out that from the historical facts of the events that occurred between God and the Jewish people during each month, we can glean insights into God’s rhythm -- the way He moves -- enabling us to properly interact with Him during that season.

For instance, it was during the month of Tammuz that Joshua's prayer stopped the sun, Ezekiel received his vision of the chariots, Jerusalem's walls were breached, and the Temple services were disrupted. Clearly, this is a month of challenge and confrontation. However, the gate name associated with this month is Righteousness! For without challenge there's no growth and without confrontation there's no way to see things as God sees them.

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